
It's a beautiful day!!!! (Sing along with the U2 song...)

Ahh, yes, it is indeed a lovely day. Not quite as lovely as yesterday, but still lovely. Yesterday it was like 87 in Fortuna. During 5th and 6th we held class outside under a tree. It's weird how the HOT weather just slows everything down...everything just seems a little 'thicker' if that makes any sense. And, the funny thing is that it was only 87. That isn't that hot really but you can tell when it's summer in Humboldt...everyone has these weird sunburns. They all show up with silly sunburns just on the front of their legs, sunburnt on their arms, funny lines on their's weird.
SO, we all got the news that we were crossing out fingers for...YAY MR. SMITHY!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, along with everyone else, am jumping with giggly, silly joy that
you are okay! I can't even imagine what a huge weight this is off of your chest...Even though everything turned out okay, I still feel like I need to pay more attention to you...and not the naggy, bitchy sisterly attention that I am so good at giving...(but don't think that is going to disappear), but well, okay, who am I kidding? Just know that underneath my sarcastic exterior that I am just as sarcastic on the inside and well,

<-----this picture pretty much sums it up...I love you man. This is how happy I am that you are okay! Doesn't he look happy?
Is that really Bono? Wow...

We had a good Mother's Day. It was so hot at our house. Everyone came over for breakfast and of course it turned into more of a brunch. The weather got crazy and we turned on the sprinkler and ran through it. It was fun and made me want to get one of those sprinklers that waves back and forth...

I had this grand idea of everyone sitting down at an actual table together but with 10 people it is just so much to coordinate. Everyone has different schedules and eats different foods so you have to make things different for some people and then by that time, it's totally thrown off. It's no biggie, I mean, I guess everyone is used to it by now but sheesh, sometimes eating at the table is totally forgotten. We'll sit in front of the TV or in different rooms all together or in front of the computer...Seriously, we pride ourselves on being such a tightknit family but yet, we don't really sit down to eat together enough...we should! Alright.

Jerky is doing soo well!! I have been measuring his food out and since I have started, I have seriously noticed a change in his attitude. It has a lot to do with the weather but also, he just feels better! He is staying out later, he's more active and going farther away, and even getting a little fiesty with Patsy outside which is always fun to watch. At the end of the day, he just comes in and collapses from his day.

Okay, talk to you later...