
A flute with no holes is not a flute. And, a doughnut with no hole is a Danish.

Okay, everyone, I need your opinion...should I leave it long or cut it off again? I can't decide.

It is Wednesday evening. There are only 11 days left for me to actually have to be on campus. That is great news.
Today I had a doctor's appt and I had the best secretary ever book me a sub for the whole morning. Originally, they told me that the appt would take that long and it was at 9. Well, I went there, went into the lab room when they called my name, the lab guy (looked like he was 18) drew a vile o' blood and said, "okay, that's it! Have a good day!" It was like 9:07. It was great, I went and hung out at Los Bagels, went to Borders, went and bought Chatty a pair of blue pants...yep, blue...and I bought some stuff too. You ever been to the mall at 10 a.m. on a weekday? I was pretty much the only one there...well, me and those people that go there for exercise, you know, they do laps around the mall early in the morning? Funny.
Then I went back to school a little before lunch and actually got some nagging paperwork done. It was a good day.
We have one official catering left but they don't need to work at that one...but they need to make like 400 mini tarts for it...ahhhh, no biggie.

I just got back from my cycle camp. It was good. The crazy Cajun who leads the class makes us do a lot of exercises with our own body weight...which I have plenty of! But you see, I am soooo sore. Sunday we went on a ride which I thought was okay. I did just 'ok'. I am not pleased with my progress. I certainly do not expect to keep up with the guys but I want to go on a ride where they aren't just 'cruisin' and I am still struggling to keep them in my sights. But, my back got sore from the ride, not so sure why. Then on Monday, I gardened a lot and my back was even tighter, then on Tuesday I ran on the treadmill. I haven't done that in like two months so my legs are superduper sore because jogging uses way different muscles than riding...and then today, The Cajun had us doing all of these lunges and other weird exercises that I don't know the name of and man, to make a long story short, I am worked over. BUT, tomorrow, ASS is going to join me and Chatty in spin class so that should be fun.

This weekend was pretty fun. It was mom's bday party. We had ourselves a little fiesta in the rain, and I think mommasan had a fun time. I know I sure did...except my flan didn't turn out. It was quite strange. Oh well.

So, I know I talk about my students a lot and it is because I adore them. I always get the outcasts of society for some reason. They have a hard time in the 'popular' realm and I think that it's just because no one their age really knows how to talk or say things that mean something...for, my fav student, the religious boy, and I were working side by side. He was very quiet. He's a thinker. I kept grabbing the tart shells that he was making and repairing them here and there and I asked, "am I annoying you yet?" and he says, "no, of course not, you're keeping me company." and I said, "but we're not even talking," and he says, "don't you realize that your presence alone can make a huge impact on someone?" (he makes me smile to myself a lot.) ...he is something else I tell ya'. Maybe that doesn't sound like much to ya'll but when you hang out with teenagers all day and all you hear is them talking about getting shit faced and partying and how stupid school is and so on and then you hear something like that, you pause, or at least I do. I am reminded of the fact that I get the best students in the whole school. Period. I am lucky that I get to meet such cool kids that are not given the time of day by, everyone else is missing out!
Okay, on that note, good night. I will put some pics up tomorrow from our last catering job (that went VERY well, thank you very much). We got some funny shots, and I have some funny photos from the fiesta...
Later taters!!!


Dr. Rumack:
What was it we had for dinner tonight?
Elaine Dickinson:
Well, we had a choice: steak or fish.
Dr. Rumack:
Yes, yes, I remember, I had lasagna.

Anyone, anyone???? What movie?

We have our second to last catering tomorrow for 200 people. It is a wine and brew tasting at the wharfinger and I am sitting on my ass yet again while I should be making f@*king Thai Peanut sauce x 20 for these folks. Ahhh, yes, I think it will be fine, just let me finish this glass of wine...

So, last night I started my "Cycle Camp" where they (Bill) train you and your body to be a better rider. It was a lot of exercise using your own body weight and it was REALLY hard and now I feel it. It was all about balance and I and the Quaker are the only ones in the class. Anyone read NCJournal? Then you'll know who the quaker is...there was a story on the quakers (all three of them) a while back...anywho, she is funny yet slightly uncomfortable and a tad...gangly, but I still think she's interesting. So, he had us jumping up on benches, doing pushups, situps, all kinds of crap and I hurt now. Now, I can't go tomorrow cause of this job but man oh man, I am determined to beat Chatty and Smith...okay and Francisco up a hill at some point in my life! Also, I just bought my ticket to VT tonight!! I am so excited! I get to go hang out with L and F for NINE days!! WOOHOO! So, I get to go riding with Frazier too! WOOHOO!
So, I am just going to say WW tonight is was the FOURTH week in a row where I weighed the same! UGH! I am working hard...hold on...I need to finish this wine...ahhh..okay, where was I? Yeah, I have been going to Spin class and now this cycle camp thingie and I really haven't been eating that much and then Lucky Larry down at the meeting has the balls to say I shouldn't eat my activity points! Yeah, right, you know how hungry you get after working out! What ever, that guy is a curse!
Okay, I am going to make Thai Pnut sauce! GO SOUL PATROL!! Yeah, I am a major dork but since when do I care?
Later taters...oh yeah, we had caramelized black pepper chicken for dinner tonight and umm, well, I don't like it anymore. I will probably never make it again...bummer.
Okay, see you all on Saturday!
Oh yeah, that's not quite everything...check out this picture...okay, I have two maybe more, churchgoing kids...this is a pic of them on our trip...very cool that it would look like this behind them, it almost makes you believe...

The guy in the picture is who I wish was my little brother...and you know, he kinda treats me like he's my little brother. I am too young for this stuff...right??? Right??? Okay, so I am not getting any younger but man, I relate to him and the rest of my kids better than I do to most adults. I know, no big surprise. Here is how they mess with me caught on film...funny. Don't I look bitchy? That's him like smackin my head...what a charmer.
Oh my gosh, I have so much more to tell you about, like our dinner out with an English teacher on Sunday night...Interesting...but, I need to get something done before I go to bed!

Later, bye.

The Good Wifey....
#7 is well, sick.

1. Have dinner ready: Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal - on time. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him, and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospects of a good meal are part of the warm welcome needed.
2. Prepare yourself: Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your makeup, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. Be a little gay and a little more interesting. His boring day may need a lift.
3. Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives, gathering up school books, toys, paper, etc. Then run a dust cloth over the tables. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift, too.
4. Prepare the children: Take a few minutes to wash the children's hands and faces if they are small, comb their hair, and if necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and he would like to see them playing the part.
5. Minimize the noise: At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of washer, dryer, dishwasher or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile and be glad to see him.
6. Some Don'ts: Don't greet him with problems or complaints. Don't complain if he's late for dinner. Count this as minor compared with what he might have gone through that day.
7. Make him comfortable: Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice. Allow him to relax and unwind.
8. Listen to him: You may have a dozen things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first.
9. Make the evening his: Never complain if he does not take you out to dinner or to other places of entertainment; instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure, his need to be home and relax.
10. The goal: Try to make your home a place of peace and order where your husband can relax.


It's a beautiful day!!!! (Sing along with the U2 song...)

Ahh, yes, it is indeed a lovely day. Not quite as lovely as yesterday, but still lovely. Yesterday it was like 87 in Fortuna. During 5th and 6th we held class outside under a tree. It's weird how the HOT weather just slows everything down...everything just seems a little 'thicker' if that makes any sense. And, the funny thing is that it was only 87. That isn't that hot really but you can tell when it's summer in Humboldt...everyone has these weird sunburns. They all show up with silly sunburns just on the front of their legs, sunburnt on their arms, funny lines on their's weird.
SO, we all got the news that we were crossing out fingers for...YAY MR. SMITHY!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, along with everyone else, am jumping with giggly, silly joy that
you are okay! I can't even imagine what a huge weight this is off of your chest...Even though everything turned out okay, I still feel like I need to pay more attention to you...and not the naggy, bitchy sisterly attention that I am so good at giving...(but don't think that is going to disappear), but well, okay, who am I kidding? Just know that underneath my sarcastic exterior that I am just as sarcastic on the inside and well,

<-----this picture pretty much sums it up...I love you man. This is how happy I am that you are okay! Doesn't he look happy?
Is that really Bono? Wow...

We had a good Mother's Day. It was so hot at our house. Everyone came over for breakfast and of course it turned into more of a brunch. The weather got crazy and we turned on the sprinkler and ran through it. It was fun and made me want to get one of those sprinklers that waves back and forth...

I had this grand idea of everyone sitting down at an actual table together but with 10 people it is just so much to coordinate. Everyone has different schedules and eats different foods so you have to make things different for some people and then by that time, it's totally thrown off. It's no biggie, I mean, I guess everyone is used to it by now but sheesh, sometimes eating at the table is totally forgotten. We'll sit in front of the TV or in different rooms all together or in front of the computer...Seriously, we pride ourselves on being such a tightknit family but yet, we don't really sit down to eat together enough...we should! Alright.

Jerky is doing soo well!! I have been measuring his food out and since I have started, I have seriously noticed a change in his attitude. It has a lot to do with the weather but also, he just feels better! He is staying out later, he's more active and going farther away, and even getting a little fiesty with Patsy outside which is always fun to watch. At the end of the day, he just comes in and collapses from his day.

Okay, talk to you later...


33 days + me(& chatty) = the hell outta here....

So, it's true. Just 33 days until it's over. Hallalujah!!
We (chatty and me) are sitting around all day at school because of the f'd up STAR testing schedule. 1st period is like 6 hours long and I don't even have a 1st period! BUT, we had to be here because there was a stupid staff meeting at we were here early! UGH.
But A.S.S. has been helping me pass my time. We have been emailing all freakin day...about what you ask...not much...a bunch of nonsense really, but it makes me laugh, outloud even. We really are two silly birds.
I went and got lunch for chatty, woz and me and it was bad. Poor Fortuna, it really has no hope to be cool. Everything kinda sucks here except for the school. The school is actually okay. If we could pluck a few teachers out of their comfy little desk chairs and replace them with people, then it could be almost bearable in my opinion...and we would keep the sup. cause he's cool. And there are a few students that I wish that I could keep for awhile. This cat for instance, she is a freakin character and I laugh everyday with her. It is great being around people like that, isn't it...I think it keeps you healthy.

Have you ever felt like you want to reconnect with people that you haven't seen in awhile? I am going through that right now in a bad way. I think I feel old and I am trying to remember times when I was crazier and the people that went with it. It may work. If it doesn't atleast I will have reconnected with some of my good buddies from times past. Here I sit, a 31 year old in 21 year old's mind ( I would say body but who would I be kidding???). Does your mind ever catch up with your age? OR, do you even really want it to? It seems like a good idea to think young always but then it also seems like it could make you a little unhappy because regardless of how young you feel, you can't deny the fact that HELLO! you're getting older! What is the happy medium?
I think its when you are outside on a sunny day, playing frisbee really well with people you love (and hopefully they play well too, that only adds to it), and you're barefoot and the grass has no burrs or thistles or dog poop in it and you're out of breath but in a very good way and everyone is happy and healthy (EVERYONE), and there is a lot of laughter and it's the moment...right? Because really, who cares about all of that other shit like growing old when you can have a day...even a moment like that, where everything and everyone is just jivin' together. It happens.

Right now I am listening to Damien Rice. He is a very 'sensitive' singer so he is rubbing off on my mood. Okay, I just switched it to the Dead 60's-Riot Radio. Very uplifting. Woah...the song that just came on is People are People by Depeche oldie but a goodie.
K, I'm outta here, gotta clean my room before the chittlins show up at 2.
More later of course.