
27 weeks and 3 days...........

So, we are almost there. It seems like time is going really slow. I am really looking forward to when I get to leave work. I will miss about half of my students terribly but the other half...well, lets just say, we need a break.
I just wanted to post a few videos. One of Jerky. I know that some of you that read this don't like him or cats in general, which I can't really understand, but you don't have to watch it. He just makes us laugh all of the time. He's not mean, he's not gross, he's not anything but just one cool cat.

The others are in order and are from our trip to see Van Morrison. He was awesome. We have a video from the concert but don't blink and listen close!

So there you have it. I will post more pictures of my growing belly soon. It is hard to keep up on this thing but I am trying.

We were given an antique white bassinet by Paulette's mom (Paulette is my boss' assistant and my hero in the HROP office). We stopped by the office on Thursday and she gave me a blanket that she made herself. Then on Saturday, we met her at her mom's house to pick up the bassinet and her mom made us a blanket too! I can hardly believe the generosity of this family, I am blown away. This is on top of that whole set she gave us a few months ago for the nursery. Amazing.
So, that's all for now. I will keep you updated!
Later Taters.