
Eating Well, baby sleeping...ahhh, life is good....

Mike has been amazing. Since I always seem to have a little one attached to me I can't cook as much as I used to. I miss it terribly but also LOVE the food that he has been making! He has now started doing our dinner in courses. It's usually 3-4 courses (small) and they are so great. He has also started making a new vinaigrette every night. He has done a lemon verbena/dill vin, a raspberry vin and a toasted sesame vin just to name a few. Tonight we had 4 small fabulous courses...It started off with a Capri Salad, tomatoes are so great right now. Next we had Clams in a white wine/tomato/basil broth with toasted baguette. 3rd course was a little mound of pasta with a prosciutto chevre sauce...ummm, am I lucky or what? Then last was a salad with local greens and a raspberry vin. OH, I guess it was 5 courses cause then he brought out a slice of melon with a little chunk of cambazola cheese on the side. Holy smokes, just reading this back I can't believe that this is how we eat!! He's great.

Last weekend I bought some giant figs at the farmer's market and we already had prosciutto and goat cheese so this picture is what we whipped up...Grilled prosciutto wrapped, chevre stuffed figs with balsamic vinegar drizzle. HEAVEN...pure and simple.

Yeah, he even garnishes our plates...he's having a lot of fun. That is a horseradish leaf from our garden and also borage which I was finally able to get to bloom.

Our next party is going to be a Dim Sum all of you that are interested please let us know when you are available so we can plan it out. It just sounds good to us and I love appetizers!! And I have a bunch of things that I have been wanting to make so it should be pretty fun.

Also, I want to have a taste off. Anyone interested? does that sound? Just like on Hell's Kitchen. I want to know if I have a crappy palate or not. I kinda think I do.

Alrightie then, I better go check on the little girl. She has been sleeping in her crib for 1 hour and get this....45 minutes! We feel like we aren't needed anymore...she's an amazing baby.



1 1/2 hours baby!!

That's right! Yesterday she slept for 1 1/2 hours on her own...without me even checking on her! Mike was gone and I had stuff to do. I was so excited! She didn't fuss at all. She's such a good baby!

She is really using her hands now. She has finally realized that they are hers. She is also so good at holding her head up! I bet she crawls early because of how she kicks her legs and moves her self around when we hold her...we'll see though, that could just be normal behavior.

We also have started taking her in the shower and she loves it! Crazy...She just smiles and curls up into you. It's just so warm and comfy for her.
Mike is catering Blues on the Bay this weekend! Lets wish him luck and hope for a little bit of leftover meat! Yum...


Madeline Bea
Isn't she adorable...I think so...


Here it is...pretty much done and pretty cute too.
The board there is what they made for me at my shower, it turned out so cute, I love it.
Now all we need is a baby! Not long now...yikes...



Am I the only one that this bothers?? The answer is yes, I think so...

Okay, so, I am already being tested. I am trying to stay really positive but it is really hard. I love my town and I feel like it should be me in that building down there with the line out the door...not this other guy with a funny name.
So, the pastries are good. The croissants are tasty. The morning buns...loaded with super chunky sugar are good but I'm not such a fan. The scones are huge and quite a deal but it's like eating a giant biscuit...not much goin' on but has lots o' potential. The cappaucino was a mini latte but whatever, I guess that's what American's expect right...even though I ordered it dry, the coffee itself is good and they brew it ONE CUP AT A TIME! But seriously, do I need to be this much of an asshole??
What is really bothering me is that this man is slapping us in the face...well, me in the face. They are charging city prices and 3/4's of the menu is COPIED from Tartine! I mean, not just like an 'idea' here and there, but their items, their descriptions word for word in some cases and their presentation! (The most appalling one to me for some reason is their "little side salad"...I mean, who calls it that and how weird to copy that name word for word.
I guess that I am so bummed because here he is doing EXACTLY what I want, I mean bar, simple lunches and 'great' pastries and yet it isn't even out of his own head, it's copied. I have really good ideas and can do better stuff and it would mean more to me but the one part that is missing is money. He has tons and I have none and I have no idea how to get some...Now I just feel like there is no place for me. I don't fit in as a teacher regardless of what people tell me, I know it's a good job, I know I do it well, I know kids need it, BUT, I don't fit it...I don't fit in in my own town because this guy is here now in a prime location with his pretentious attitude (I know him from before, this isn't just a recent opinion of his personality) and well, that's really all there is for me... I either teach or what? How depressing.
Don't worry, I won't be this down on myself for long but it's really hard to be the one that has to fight so hard for what I want and to make people believe that I can do it but I do need help! I am not afraid to say that but some people think that means I'm not strong enough...That is a bunch of crap.
Anyways, I am going to go finish making MY version of a Frangipane tart and My version of a Fresh Fruit Tart and maybe that will make me feel better.


A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved. Kurt Vonnegut

I love this...this is my new motto. Life is too short to feel any other way. If we have learned anything from Tim and Brian, it is that life can be short and you never know what's around the next corner...
So why then do we waste so much time being all closed up and judgemental? I am going to try my damnedest to be open to everyone. It's gonna be hard because there is a side of me that does just love to point out certain things about certain people but I am going to try and not be that way. I would say that I have won half the battle right there with the effort.
Read this:
That's really all I have to say for now...I will write more later. I am going to go down and see if this new BRIO Cafe is really all it's cracked up to be...I hope they have a killer croissant!


I wish I had suspenders on my underwear...

I know, that really has nothing to do with this picture but I just wanted to put it up because I liked it and I rarely say that about pictures. This is from when we were staying at the Benbow Inn. We were kinda bored. I just kicked his bootie in cribbage and he was trying to distract me from gloating...

I have completely forgotten what it feels like to have clothes that actually stay up. For some reason all of these crappy maternity clothes, as comfy as they are, fall down constantly. It sucks. I will be lecturing in front of class and I will be shimmying to try and keep anything from moving but as soon as I sit down at my desk all is lost. I am tired of it. I think it's because my hips are disappearing.

We had a dr appt yesterday and everything is right on track. Baby's heartbeat is healthy, I'm right on track with my lovely weight gain and I have all of the typical aches and pains.

How could you not love this face?

Tomorrow Mike and I are leaving with 9 kids for the annual Bay Area field trip. Time to prepare myself for endless amounts of energy, a little drama and wacky music...I used to think that I listened to 'different' music but it is NOTHING compared to this new stuff! It should be interesting, a little bit of everything even some speed metal thrown in. Really looking forward to that! I have a feeling this is going to be a fun one though, maybe the best yet. I have a great group this year, only one whiner but he's harmless and no bitchy girls! I like these kids more than any kids that I have ever taken before so that helps., this will also help me be a lot less bitchy which we all know is a very good thing! We are taking a whole extra day so I think I may be more relaxed because that gives us more time between appointments. I will try and post pictures as we go.

Talk to ya'll when we get back!


Still 27 weeks and 3 days.....

Just wanted to post 2 cool pictures from tonight.
We had a fun time at Hank and Anna's.
Happy Birthday Bob!

27 weeks and 3 days...........

So, we are almost there. It seems like time is going really slow. I am really looking forward to when I get to leave work. I will miss about half of my students terribly but the other half...well, lets just say, we need a break.
I just wanted to post a few videos. One of Jerky. I know that some of you that read this don't like him or cats in general, which I can't really understand, but you don't have to watch it. He just makes us laugh all of the time. He's not mean, he's not gross, he's not anything but just one cool cat.

The others are in order and are from our trip to see Van Morrison. He was awesome. We have a video from the concert but don't blink and listen close!

So there you have it. I will post more pictures of my growing belly soon. It is hard to keep up on this thing but I am trying.

We were given an antique white bassinet by Paulette's mom (Paulette is my boss' assistant and my hero in the HROP office). We stopped by the office on Thursday and she gave me a blanket that she made herself. Then on Saturday, we met her at her mom's house to pick up the bassinet and her mom made us a blanket too! I can hardly believe the generosity of this family, I am blown away. This is on top of that whole set she gave us a few months ago for the nursery. Amazing.
So, that's all for now. I will keep you updated!
Later Taters.



21 Weeks and 6 Days...

Okay, it feels like it is way too early for me to be having such a hard time sleeping! I just know like the last two months are going to be me sitting on the couch with a blanket over me because I can't sleep laying down in bed anymore! Great.

I wanted to put pictures up of the back room so you could see the progress. We were going for 2 colors and you may be able to tell that it is two shades of green but you may not. It just didn't show up as well as we thought it would BUT we still love it regardless. It turned out super cute and cheery. Just look where the walls meet and you might be able to tell.

There you have it. It is almost complete. Now all we need is some furniture! Then it will start looking like a real baby room. Ugh, I've got to go to bed. I have no idea what I am doing 2nd period tomorrow...maybe I can find an incredible, captivating movie on vegetables. Any ideas?HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!


21 Weeks and 3 days

Holy Smokes,
I am sorry that I have neglected to write! I thought about it often but honestly, even the thought of the computer made me nauseous! Weird.

It has been an interesting year so far. Mike and I have kind of been hermits. I have been rearranging anything that seems like it needs it and he is working hard in the back room. Right now he is putting the first touches of paint on the walls. It is getting to be very exciting.

I am feeling great. I have a lot of energy in short spurts so I have to use it wisely. I need a lot of naps and I definitely take them when ever the mood strikes and it's all completely guilt free! I love it. I am not sleeping well at night though and that is starting to bug me.

Today I baked a chocolate cake and brownies...not all for me! I was testing recipes. The brownies won. While the stuff was baking I was laying on the bed and decided to look at my bare belly. It was the first time I have SEEN it move. The baby is doing summersaults in there and it totally shows! I still find it amazing that this is happening. In the shower yesterday, I noticed that I am starting to lose site of certain parts of my body...unfortunately that does not include my breasts. They aren't going anywhere!
I am now wearing stupid maternity clothes. Pants mainly. They aren't very attractive BUT incredibly comfortable. I tried to make it as long as I could with my normal clothes but they were so tight around the belly area that it was just way to uncomfortable to even try to worry about vanity. I do wonder what is going to happen to my tattoo though. Hopefully it will just stay down there at the bottom of my belly and not get too distorted.

I obviously have my appetite back. I can eat almost anything but I still have a problem with chicken. I don't miss it at all. It's kind of a gross animal anyways, unless you go buy the free range Rosie birds that you know were raised humanely and not like rats crammed in cages...I should show you some pictures. Anywhoo...enough about that.

Last night we went to Sean and Ar's for Aidan's birthday party. He is now a giant 6 year old. It is hard to believe that the time is moving so fast. I was always told it would and now I believe it. It was fun because we got to see some friends that we have not seen since May! Strange because they just live in Eureka. Oh well, it was good seeing them and really, just like Humboldt, they haven't changed a bit. Carlton gave us one of the cutest gifts yet. I couldn't believe them when I saw them. Check it out...little baby Smartwool booties!

I promise I will try and keep up better especially with everything that is going on with us now. I will put before and after pictures up of the bedroom so everyone can see it. It is going to be very bright and cheerful which is a great thing.

I am going to go finish dinner and cleaning up. Tonight we are having braised lamb shanks with root vegetables and cous cous. Also a salad. Most likely there will be a chocolate dessert as well. You should have dessert with every meal by the way, it makes life way more enjoyable!
More later!