Can you fly this plane and land it?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.
Well, off we go. I thought I would get a good night's sleep tonight but no, of course not. But it should be fun. I will be in my newly remodeled class room with my new, shiny equipment and my kids will all be happy so I BETTER be too!
I am actually going to bed in about five minutes. I just need to go over in my head before I pass out, everything that I have to do for the next three days. This includes the two wedding cakes that I have to do...yikes.
Mike is in all his glory. He loves this. He spent time putting his room together...meanwhile I am sitting in front of the computer putting together a syllabus for the next year. Ugh. I procrastinate soooo much. But we will both have fun in our own ways. I just can't wait until the caterings start. That is when we have the most fun and get the most out of the class.

Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.
Well, off we go. I thought I would get a good night's sleep tonight but no, of course not. But it should be fun. I will be in my newly remodeled class room with my new, shiny equipment and my kids will all be happy so I BETTER be too!
I am actually going to bed in about five minutes. I just need to go over in my head before I pass out, everything that I have to do for the next three days. This includes the two wedding cakes that I have to do...yikes.
Mike is in all his glory. He loves this. He spent time putting his room together...meanwhile I am sitting in front of the computer putting together a syllabus for the next year. Ugh. I procrastinate soooo much. But we will both have fun in our own ways. I just can't wait until the caterings start. That is when we have the most fun and get the most out of the class.

My neck looks a little tweaked in this picture but it was the only one that we had from the concert.
Okay, wish us luck! We will be sleeping in on Sunday for sure! So don't call before 9:30!
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