
Don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted.

What happened?

He lived happily ever after.

I am a woman of simple pleasures. Right now, I am happy listening to Amos Lee, sitting in OUR house, watching our cats live a very comfortable life, knowing that I have a good job to drive to tomorrow...all of this after having a lovely dinner with my beautiful family.
Why do I have so many questions? I absolutely cannot wait to be in Vermont in 12 days...seriously. What I think about while my head is in the clouds is "wow, what if I just love it, being there with Lindsay and Frazier and then Mike shows up and looks around and says, 'this is totally do-able' and we decide to come back!" Yeah, I know, but NO ONE has EVER accused me of being grounded and logical. What if???!!! Really. What if it was THAT COOL? Wouldn't that just be amazing? Who can argue with that?
You know what else? I think that this was my hardest year of teaching yet. I know, it was only my third year and it is only going to get harder. BUT, the longer I stay, the more intwined I get with my students. You see, it was my hardest year and yet it was my best. I have met some people that I feel lucky to know. Honestly. I think in my HROP class, I have the most awesome opportunity. I have met some people that have experienced some things in their life that I never have and who have taught me a lot. In that class there is every little aspect of person...does that make sense? I have the jock/religeous kid, the goth girl with the cheating boyfriend, the independant girl living on her own in a trailor...struggling to hang on, there is the adopted girl that has had a seriously hard life...I mean serious..., the girl who's mom was/is a drug addict and now lives with friends of the family, the boy who has a loving family and yet hates them, NW who has a great family life and a good boyfriend and will probably be married at the age of 19 and last but not least, the girl with many siblings that she has to take care of way too often and just can't wait to get as far away from Humboldt as she can! I mean, just hanging out with them is eyeopening. On Friday, I was with one student that helped me with a catering job. I started asking her about her went a little something like, "so, where's your dad now?" "I don't know, last I heard, Bridgeville"...apparently, this guy has been in and out of jail for all sorts of things and now ignores the fact that he has two daughters. The funny or sad thing is that I could totally relate. My dad knows where to find me. He doesn't though. Why? That is the question we both were asking on Friday...together, this 15 year old and me were asking the same can a parent have a kid and then just act like they don't exist? Why bother if you can't deal? UGH.
So, I think I have a lot to deal with this summer and yet, I know that at least I do have family that is close and here and willing to be all there is and yet...I still miss him...terribly...sorry. Even though I am 31 and Francisco is...well...however old he is...I KNOW we both get bugged and bothered at the mention of dad's
name., not everything is "cool" and "alright" and no, we won't always be 'buds' and damn...just call, okay? Look at what you are missing. Okay, so maybe we are a bunch of dorks but still, you can't tell me he has anyone in his life that replaces this...right?
Last weekend, we had fun with HandA! We went to The Pearl was right before the election and it was Arts Alive so it was busy. We ran into MandC and proceeded to have a lovely evening.

Man, have I mentioned how great Damien Rice is? The song "Volcano"? Great song.