
Grilled Pizza!!

Look how good these look! I love to grill pizza. It's possibly one of my favorite dinners to make. We pretty take turns making dinner during the week but we try and keep it interesting. And no, we did not eat this all in one night. That's the thing about pizza dough, a little goes a long way! Such a cheap dinner to make! The top one is spicy Italian sausage, Gorgonzola, caramelized onions and arugula. The other one was fig jam, apples and Gorgonzola. They both were very good!

Here is also a picture of Madeline from tonight. She LOVES Patsy and Patsy is very slowly warming up to her. She was actually purring tonight when Madeline was swatting her. She will learn to love Madeline. Jerky will too. It really could be the most harmonious relationship if Jerky would just relax! She loves to feed him and he loves to eat so I know it's just a matter of time before he figures this out.Anyways, that's all I have for now. Mike is on his way out of town until Saturday night so we will be on our own for a few days. Don't know if I will get around to posting anything but I will certainly try!


Tricia said...

Looks yummy! I want to make the fig one.